¸.•´Application Form´•.¸
Current Username:
Previous Username(s):
How long have you been playing Runescape?:
All together...7-8 years
Are you familiar with merchanting/flipping?:
Yes, i merched when the G.E. first came out. Wow i feel old kind of saying that ha
Do you consider yourself an active player?:
Yes i recently got back into this game and cant stop
Of all the clans out there, why us?:
Well pretty much you seem down to earth. Your page doesn't look like all the other ones it doesn't look copied and some words altered to be your own. That's all that it seems now on the forums, just copies of each other. Your clan intrigued me.
Will you bump this clan page & flip guide when you are online?:
Yes i will
Will you respect the rules, ranks and other members?:
Of course i wouldnt be applying if i didnt want to follow any rules
Previous Clan(s)?:
Old Old school clans you guys probably havent heard of.
Anything you wanna add?:
I hope i can be invited into your clan and to make new friends and to be a part of something to help move this clan forward.
22-Nov-2012 10:43:23