Current Username: JonnyUK1337
Previous Username(s):
How long have you been playing Runescape?: While I have come and gone several times to Runescape, I have been playing with this account since 2006.
Are you femiliar with merchanting/flipping?: Yes, while I have never been in a merching or flipping clan, I like to think of myself as self-tought in this matter in the way that I've been very keen about the economical side of runescape almost since I started playing so I've had my share of experiences and opinions on how to deal with trading goods. Yet I know there is still much more to learn, and who knows, for me to share with others.
Do you consider yourself an active player?: Yes, nowadays I'm at least a couple of hours per day, everyday.
Of all the clans out there, why us?: As I have always played along my "own road", I've never been quite informed of what clans were available for recruiting, but from the several I encountered on the forums, I liked how the thread was lightened with much info on the clan and the merching/flipping part, as well as the application which is more subjective, and not just a few questions asking about total wealth, etc.
Will you bump this clan page & flip guide when you are online?: No problem.
Will you respect the rules, ranks and other members?: Yes.
Previous Clan(s)?: WolfScape (social clan)
Anything you wanna add?: -
23-Apr-2014 01:19:52