Current Username: iP33
Previous Username(s): Jammie356, Pk3r-K3d
How long have you been playing Runescape?: Since around 2002 (10 Years - 160 days of playing as I took a short 1-2.5 year break along the way)
Are you familiar with merchanting/flipping?: Yes, very much so.
Do you consider yourself an active player?: Yes, I play atleast 3-4 hours a day after school on weekdays and 7-9 hours a day on weekends.
Of all the clans out there, why us?: I chose you because I love flipping. I haven't flipped for a while now so i'd like to get back into it.
Will you bump this clan page & flip guide when you are online?: Yes, yes I will.
Will you respect the rules, ranks and other members?: Of course. I love by the rule that if a person of equal authority as me respects me I shall respect them back whereas a higher authority automatically has my respect.
Previous Clan(s)?: Celestial.
Anything you wanna add?: Yes. I hope you read this and consider me as an applicant, i'm looking forward to being a part of the clan.
Sincerely, iP33
20-Sep-2012 12:42:02