A scroll had been delivered, sealed by wax and stamped with the mark of the Verus family and the symbol of the Kingdom of Varrock. Upon removal of the seal, the message is scrawled in golden leaf.
You have been formally invited to witness the coronation of the powerful and just ruler, Darius Verus! By request of the family Verus, we wish for you to join the Kingdom of Varrock in celebration!
Facing hardship and strife, Darius Verus born to the Zemain family, strode beyond the attempts at stopping his legacy. From the harrowing beginning in Jacksaw to his destructive show of force in the war for Falador, Darius stood tall. Long together with Sora Veras he finally took his seat as king after years of Lordship. Darius has shown Loyalty, Strength, and Fortitude over the years, may his rule be just and mighty!
The Citadel will be host of the ceremonial crowning, followed by the vows and/or speeches of the current Lords. The Royal Ball will follow suite; with dancing, food, and fun times. Those who wish to please King Darius and/or sate their own bloodlust may seek the battlefield for friendly sport after the Royal Ball.
August 19th
7pm EST, 4pm PST, 23:00 GMT
Kingdom of Varrock Citadel
We hope you come celebrate the wondrous event!
The scroll ends with a cliche well wish written at the bottom, with the signatures of the preceding Lords, the Queen, and the new King.
French Fried is my name, getting GPU out of
Ice Prisons
is my game.