Yo.Im from Eos and were having my 99construction party!If you can come,that would be great.Other clans will be coming and it will be an ally event!Hope to see you there!
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.¸º...:::.:..:..º›;¸¸¸;‹º.:..::..::.°¸.::Republic Of The Swords::.¸°.:..::..:.º›;¸¸¸;‹º..:..:.:::...º¸
.º¸.::.:..¨º•¸.:.::.º¸..::.¨*•¸ ..:.:.º¸.::.¤† One Nation †¤.::..¸º.:.:..¸•*¨.::..¸º.::.:.¸•º¨..:.::.¸º
..::º›;¸¸¸;‹º..:..::..º›;¸¸¸;‹º›;¸¸;‹º...::.:.For the people .:.::..º›;¸¸;‹º›;¸¸¸;‹º..::.:...º›;¸¸¸;‹º
. . . . . . . ¸,..,¸
. . . . .¸-*. . '• ';
. . .`-.,,,.-´
Your Invited to my 99 construction party!
Your invited to Republic Of Swords First Event and 99party!All the information will be below if you cant stand reading.If your from another clan,i strongly suggest you to come as there will be lots of fun.This will be also a good time for each of us to get to know each other .So just read all the info below to join us!Unfortnly,only members can access this party because of the location and i cannot accept capes in free to play.
˜†˜¨ When ¨˜†˜
¨˜• Sunday,May 22nd 12EST
¨˜†˜¨ Where ¨˜†˜¨
¨˜•World 22,Pay to play
¨˜•Camelot Gate
˜†˜¨ Requirments ¨˜†˜
¨˜•Being a paying member to jagex
¨˜•Be in the our clan,or our allies we send this to
˜†˜¨ What will be there? ¨˜†˜
¨˜•Combat boxing(in my poh)
***Drop partys(maybe only tons of rune full helms.We dont know yet)
¨˜•Games,and other things to do!
If i have left somthing out or you have any questions please feel free to ask me in the clan chat "Empire Of Swords" if i am avalible.Thank you for taking this time to let me invite you.
~Pine-Member of Empire of swords~
16-May-2011 01:23:16