¤ Post V - Citizenship Application ¤
Current username: Superjordan2
Previous usernames: None
Do you intend on changing your name? Not at the minute.
Have you completed the Fremennik Trials quest? Yes
If so, what is your Fremennik Trials name? Baldur
Are you a paying member? Yes
Gender: (m/f) Male
Timezone: GMT
Today's date: 13/03/2013
Have you read the Fremennik laws? Yes
Which law states that, "Respect is earned, not given." ? 2nd Law
Do you understand your rights and expectations as citizen? Yes
How often do you play Runescape and use the forums? Daily
Are you likely to attend held events and activities? Yes
Do you own any skill capes, If so, which? Woodcutting, Cooking, Fletching, 900k from firemaking.
How did you discover our empire? Forums
Were you recommended by anyone, if so, list who: Arthemis
Personally, why is that you wish to be apart of our community? Seem very involved and small, as i do not wish to be just another number in a large clan.
Are you willing to dedicate yourself to your fellow Fremenniks and to the empire? Sure.
Is there any other information you wish to share?
13-Mar-2013 15:28:28