
† Saradomin's Legend † 3+ CB

Quick find code: 93-94-337-63939170

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.1 Introduction

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OVER 3.5 Billion clan xp

Hello, and welcome to Saradomin's Champions. If you're interested in joining a clan to have fun and make some friends, this clan is for you. Although this clan is primarily a citadel clan, we will do minigames, boss killing, and possibly pking in the future. This clan is based in Eastern Time. This clan is welcome to all levels, So feel free to apply if you got what it takes.

This clan has a lot of history to it, it originated back in July 2005 as a Castle Wars clan, lead by myself along with jakev08, and heyya289. The clan was based in W44 and played cw daily. We battled the 44E numerous times, and won several times. the clan broke up in September 2005 due to members no longer playing*

Established February 18, 2012

1. 3+ combat
2. Contribute 300 resources to citadel every week
3. Be willing to respect anyone higher ranked than you (they've earned it)
4. Bump the thread a few times a day

Table of Contents
1.1 You're Here
1.2 Rules
1.3 Application
1.4 Description of ranks and promotions
1.5 Ranks Continued
1.6 Members
1.7 Events
1.8 Benefits of contributing to citadel
1.9 Benefits of contributing to citadel continued
1.10 The First 99

17-Feb-2012 22:07:44 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2019 19:19:30 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.2 Rules
1. Respect all members, regardless of ranks.
2. No offensive language in clan chat.
3. Bump the thread at least once a day.
4. Do not purposely try to annoy or get on another member's nerves. This causes unwanted stress.
5. Do not beg for ranks, It's not going to happen unless you earn it.
6. You must contribute at least 300 resources to the citadel every week, THIS IS A MUST to stay in clan, If you contribute more you will meet requirements to be promoted.
7. For question 11, YOU MUST ANSWER CYAN to ensure you read the rules
8. Begging for any monetary value while in the chat is not only frowned upon, but can be very annoying, please refrain from doing this
10. Upon contributing your resources for the week, check in with a leader and have them confirm it. To do this you will have to go to the same world as them, THAT'S IT!
11. If for some reason you will be gone for an extended period of time, (1 week+), leave a post on forums or pm a leader so you don't get kicked from clan.

17-Feb-2012 22:07:56 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2012 16:49:41 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
****1.3 Application Please copy and paste.****
1. What is your combat level?
2. What time zone are you in?
3. A requirement to stay in this clan is to contribute 300 resources to the citadel a week, which takes about 30 mins and requires membership. Are you going to be able to do this? *PLEASE NOTE that your first week in clan, you are on probation and cannot contribute to citadel. READ POST 1.8 TO FIND OUT BENEFITS*
4. This clan requires a lot of time in service to gain rank, it will not just be passed out to anyone. are you okay with this?
5. Why do you want to join this clan?
6. What are your goals in this clan?
7. Did you read and accept the rules?
8. How did you find out about this clan?
9. Are you a member?
10. Are you aware that once you join this clan, and you quit, you will NOT be allowed back in.
11. What is your favorite color?
After filling out this application, add Biker16, Jackmysprat, Jakemouse, Giant Sage, Iowafan01, Joyful joel, madam chiryn, or badass sword and tell us your interested.

17-Feb-2012 22:08:07 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2012 06:09:26 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.4 Ranks
1. Recruits: the rank of members who freshly join. they will stay recruits until they have been in a total of 3 months, and must contribute at least 300 resources to citadel every week. EVERY MEMBER who joins will be a recruit.
Requirements for Corporal:
a. 3 months (or 2 if you contribute max resources to citadel every week)
b. 300 res a week
2. corporals: after being in clan for 3 months, and contributing 300 resources to citadel every week, the recruit is automatically promoted to a corporal. the corporals will have same role as recruits, just more respect, it shows that they are no longer new and have proven their worthiness and dedication to the clan. To become sergeant, the corporal must:
a. be in clan 6 months.
b. contribute at least 500 to citadel every week
c. be recommended by a administrator+ rating
d. be lvl 100+
3. sergeants: This is where responsibility comes into rank. a sergeant will be in charge of a team of 3 corps and recruits total. his responsibility is to make sure the members under him meet the citadel requirements, make the events, and better the clan in general. to make lieutenant, the sergeant must:
a. be in clan 9 months
b. recruit at least 1 new member into the clan
c. contribute at least 1000 resources to citadel every week
d. be recommended by a deputy owner
e. be lvl 120+
4. lieutenants: the job of a lieutenant is to be a squad leader. he will be over a squad of 2 sergeants, and 6 recruits and corporals. the job of a lieutenant is to make sure his team is contributing to citadel, making events, and bettering the clan, the lieutenant is also in charge of how his squad is managed in the case of a specific event, (war, cw, whatever). in order to become a captain the lieutenant must:
a. have his entire team meet requirements every week.
b. contribute 1000 resources to citadel every week.
c. recruit 1 member into clan
d. be recommended by the entire board of admins+
e. be 130+ cb
f. be in clan for 1 year

17-Feb-2012 22:08:33 - Last edited on 06-Oct-2012 04:46:52 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.5 Ranks continued
5. captains: captains will be over squads, his job is to make sure that the squads are pulling their weight, and report anyone not meeting requirements to admin. To become the highest rank, general, the captain must:
a. be in clan 1 year and 6 months
b. recruit 1 member into clan
c. contribute max resources to citadel every week
d. be maxed combat (138)
e. have an almost perfect activity rating for his squads
6. generals: generals will be the highest rank available, (aside from leaders). Their job is to lead over all captains, and even take attendance at events in case of a leader being absent. generals are the only players to become officers, (admins+). Unless something extreme happens and there is a desperate need for leaders.
7. Officers (admins+) i recommend having at least 2 of each role, and assigning each role a specific job, such as:
admins: maintaining clan chats, kicking members who do not carry their weight
organizers: organizing wars with other clans, making allies, that sort of thing
coordinator: taking attendance at events, telling everyone where to be and when.
overseers: Maintainers of the citadel, they record everyone's resource count every week.
deputy owner: booting anyone not worthy of the clan, organising events,
owner: kicking anyone not worthy, organising events, taking care of anything

17-Feb-2012 22:08:44 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2012 01:10:13 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.6 Members
Total Members: 21
the (r#) signifies how many members this player has recruited. Note that recruit must be a corporal for the player to count
Biker16 2/19/2012
*****Deputy Owners†††††
JackmySprat 8/12/2012
Giant Sage 8/24/2012
Jakev08 2/19/2012
Joyful Joel 9/11/2012
Iowafan01 8/24/2012
Katnizevrden 9/22/2012
Lunarfate139 8/26/2012
I am kody 9/22/2012
James007Bong 10/4/2012
A L E Xshrds 9/10/2012
calebg4 9/24/2012
Iowa146 10/1/2012
Why So Tired 11/2/2012
D4rkMistress 10/28/2012
Sneemerc 11/14/2012
Underbart 11/22/2012
Bosanac76 11/22/2012
Godlyfire1 12/2/2012
why so awake 12/22/2012

Last Updated 1/5/2013

17-Feb-2012 22:08:52 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2013 02:11:45 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
****Every Friday at 9 pm Eastern time- Resource gathering*****
***Every Saturday at 9 pm Eastern time- Dungeoneering***

17-Feb-2012 22:09:06 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2013 01:26:57 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.8 Benefits of Citadel
Here are the main benefits of doing the clan citadel:
1. use of clan avatar for bonus xp (6% if near, 3% if on same world, usually 89).
2. Xp while skilling in the citadel.
3. More Xp while skilling in the citadel
4. Even more XP when skilling in the citadel.
5. A place for the clan to gather and socialize
To contribute to the citadel, you must be off of probation, which usually takes around a week. To check to see if you are on probation, click on the clan chat tab, then click clan settings, then click the gold arrow next to your name. if there is no hazard sign next to your name on the screen that slides up, you are off probation.
To get to the clan citadel, use your clan vexillum to tele to clan camp, then go through the giant portal there to get to citadel. While in the citadel, you can use your world map to teleport to any location there. There are also banks at the clan keep as well as the clan battlefield.
Your goal in the citadel is to collect as many resources as possible in a week, with a max of 1.2k. To collect them, either chop roots at the woodcut plot or mine stone at the stone plot. The build tick is EVERY Friday at 10 pm eastern time, and that is when your resource count for the week resets and you can collect more. You want to aim for a resource count of 500 every week. After doing so you will recieve a message in your chat saying you can claim a clan ring. To claim it, go to the clan keep and get it from the quartermaster inside. This ring can be charged in any skillplot and be used for 1.5x xp when doing that skill in RS. Also when u get that message to claim the clan ring, you will be qualified to recieve 1 fealty star on your clan cape. every star you get on your cape will yield 15% more xp when skilling in the skillplots for resources. You can get a max of 3 stars on the cape, with 45% bonus xp when skillplotting. CONTIUE TO POST 1.9

17-Feb-2012 22:09:17 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2012 14:49:56 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.9 Citadel Continued
However, if you fail to get enough resources to claim your clan ring in a week, you will lose 1 star, and have to regain it back. Every week you have the 3 stars, you can right click you cape and claim your fealty reward, which will give you a good amount of xp in any skill of your choice.
We keep track of every members resource count on one of our clan forums pages. So anytime you get some resources, tell any of the leaders so they can verify it. In order for a leader to check your count, you must be on the same world as them.
If you want to recieve bonus xp from the avatar, get 300 anagotic orts from your bank and interact with it. Then activate your buff. you will then recieve the bonus xp for 1 full week. Again the xp bonus is 3% if on the same world as the summoned avatar, or 6% if 9 paces away from it. After the week is up, you will have to use another 300 orts on it.

17-Feb-2012 22:09:27 - Last edited on 17-Sep-2012 15:04:39 by Biker16

Sep Member 2018


Posts: 1,709 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.10 The First 99
This is the first 99 official members of sl, to become one, you must be in clan for a full month and gather the required resources.
01. Biker16 - 02/18/12-Pres
02. GildedNewb - 02/18/12-08/15/12
03. Jakev08 - 02/18/12/-Pres
04. JackSprat556 - 8/12/2012-Pres
05. Giant Sage - 8/24/2012-Pres
06. Iowafan01 - 8/24/2012-Pres
07. U Wish 0hh - 8/12/2012- Sept 2012
08. LtCmdrPTrell - 8/20/2012-11/2012
09. Neon Christ - 8/21/2012-1/6/2012 (corporal 14071 total resources)
10. Lunarfate139 - 8/26/2012-Pres
11. A L E Xshrds - 9/10/2012-Pres
12. Katnizevrden - 9/22/2012-Pres
13. I am kody - 9/22/2012-Pres
14. calebg4 - 9/24/2012-Pres
15. Badass Sword - 9/6/2012-1/6/2013 (ADMIN with 15200 total resources)
16. Fiwr - 9/11/2012-Pres
17. Goddess Tami 10/28/2012-1/5/2013

17-Feb-2012 22:09:39 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2013 02:10:33 by Biker16

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