1. What is your combat level? 3 but gaining
2. What time zone are you in? United Kingdom
3. A requirement to stay in this clan is to contribute 1k resources to the citadel a week, which takes about 2 hrs and requires membership. Are you going to be able to do this? Yes
4. This clan requires a lot of time in service to gain rank, it will not just be passed out to anyone. are you okay with this? Yes
5. Why do you want to join this clan? I want to meet new people and be in a group of people helping eachother
6. What are your goals in this clan? To achieve max rank in clan by doing this i will be helping others, attend all gatherings ect..
7. Did you read and accept the rules? Yes
8. How did you find out about this clan? Forums
9. Are you a member? Yes
10. Are you aware that once you join this clan, and you quit, you will NOT be allowed back in. Yes
09-May-2012 19:42:31