What is your RSN and previous name?:
Wallace, previous name was Dondon.
What is your total level and combat level?:
2595, 138
If you had to rate yourself as a PKer between 1-10, what would you rate yourself?:
7 (still getting the hang of melee)
What is your preferred combat style(s)?:
Melee, prefer Range for chasing though.
What clan are you currently in?:
Previous WB's FC? If so, reason for leaving?:
Sid, not enough pking action.
Which friend referred you to our friends chat thread? (If any):
Do you accept our Rules & Requirements?:
What time zone do you live in?:
Sydney, (GMT+10)
We have a TeamSpeak 3 server, will you be willing to join the server any wave you attend?:
Any additional comments?:
Originally I left the fc so I could leech an easy 75, but now I'm focusing on doing what I enjoy most rather than going hard for xp gainz. Hopefully I'll be able to pk with you guys soon.
21-Jul-2015 04:26:54