My Runescape name is Snoopysammy
I was in world 2 when one of your I believe one of your clan members was asking if anybody would like to chop trees for charity. Nobody else would come with him, so of coarse I wanted to help him.
I like to make as many friends, and help people when they are in need. My highest achievement in Runescape will be coming up in about 50 days, when I get my 5-year Veteran Cape.
I have not read the first pages of your two threads, but I will have read them by the time you see my application.
I want to join AESOP, because it just seems like the perfect clan for me, it's members are nice, treat everybody with respect, and seem like would be enjoyable to play Runescape with.
I have been in clans, but they just weren't very helpful, nore were they even very kind. I am not in any clan or group, thus I have been looking for one, and I believe that I have found it.
I am very willing to help AESOP set a good example, and help other players.
I have read AESOP's rules and I agree to follow every single one of them.
I understand that you would like me to do all of these things, and I will try my absolute best to meet up to your standards.
I am usually on Runescape at about any time of the day, but usually you can find me on at about 3-8 p.m.
Mountain Time Zone
I would just like to say, I am willing to help all of you the best I can, so I hope you can come to a good conclusion about me joining AESOP or not, Thank you!
17-Nov-2013 04:10:15