RS Name- imladris
How did you hear about us?- coop at 1st, but many other members as I've come across them in game.
What is your favorite activity and/or highest accomplishment in Runescape?(Skilling, Combat, Questing, etc.)- currently into star hunting a lot, and I would say my highest accomplishment is 90+ in all skills
Have you read the 1st pages of both our threads?- I have
Why do you want to join AESOP?- many of the people on my friends list are in Aesop, and I feel what I feel to be enjoyable on rs fits well.
Have you ever been in a clan/group before? yes, elders
a - If yes, do you fully understand that AESOP is a lot less structured than most RS clans? I do
b - Are you currently in a clan or group? I am not
Are you willing to help AESOP set good examples for & help other players? I am
Have you read AESOP's rules & understood them? And do you agree to follow them? I have
Do you understand that we ask that you to
a - attend at least one event/gathering a month whenever possible? I do
b - spend time in aesop clan chat so that we may all get to know each other? I do
c - attend at least one meet & greet or event during your 30 day trial? I do
Best time to catch you on RS?-(Please include your time zone.) mountain time zone, late morning-late afternoon on average, on any given day.
Any comments? I would like to thank you for your consideration, and I hope to see all in cc =)
14-Aug-2013 22:05:10