I appreciate how busy everyone is, but on offering to teleport (to pyramid plunder)
to the only admin online capable of inviting me, only to be told that this wasn't the
clan for me if I wasn't prepared to wait longer, it seems obvious it really isn't the
clan for me.
In fact you were the one who stated that AESOP might not be the clan for you if we didn't have time to immediately respond to your request. I was just one of the people who agreed with your assessment. In point of fact you had *already been accepted* as a candidate for AESOP in Ahma's message above. Getting the official in-game invite is just a formality. Did having an icon next to your name in clan chat really mean that much to you that you'd rather storm out in a huff rather than being patient for a while?
As I tried to explain in clan chat, our laid back attitude is part and parcel of AESOP being
less formal
than most clans you find in RuneScape. But apparently you didn't want to hear that.
In posting your application on this thread, you stated that you had read and agreed to our rules, including our clan chat rules. I now refer you to the last rule of the AESOP clan chat:
6. Exercise patience. AESOPs tend to be busy players so if your inquiry is not immediately answered, please be patient and take the time to ask again.
Clearly you were unable to exercise patience in our clan chat. Sorry it didn't work out.
- Gil
06-Apr-2013 01:54:36
- Last edited on
06-Apr-2013 01:59:22