RS Name- Deku Warrior
How did you hear about us?- Vexillum placed by C00pdaville
What is your favorite activity and/or highest accomplishment in Runescape?(Skilling, Combat, Questing, etc.)- My favorite skill is Slayer, it has alot to offer , keeps me occupied.
Have you read the 1st pages of both our threads?- Yes i have
Why do you want to join AESOP?- I have spent the last 10 years playing runescape ( on and off) and i need a community that supports each other,1 so i don't lose interest. 2) after reading the rules , i feel like this clan has alot to offer not only for me but anyone looking for a goal driven mature group of people.
Have you ever been in a clan/group before?
a - If yes, do you fully understand that AESOP is a lot less structured than most RS clans? Thats fine in experience with other clans its either hit or miss with Structure so if you're not as structured as other, oh well
b - Are you currently in a clan or group? No
Are you willing to help AESOP set good examples for & help other players? I try to play that way when im by myself so i can certainly do the same while in a group.
Have you read AESOP's rules & understood them? And do you agree to follow them? Yes and Yes
Do you understand that we ask that you to
a - attend at least one event/gathering a month whenever possible? As often as i can
b - spend time in aesop clan chat so that we may all get to know each other? Of course
c - attend at least one meet & greet or event during your 30 day trial? Yes
Best time to catch you on RS?-(Mountain GMT -7, I work through the week so my days off arent exactly the same each week. but i play as often as i can so you wont have a problem catching me.)
Any comments?
Want to thank C00pdaville for her excellent hospitality and tour of the clan citidel.
19-Jun-2012 08:01:18
- Last edited on
19-Jun-2012 08:01:49
Old War Path