Previous Names: Kyokorama
Total Level: 2708
Time zone: Central, USA
KC in Vorago/Durzag/Yakamaru/RoTS/Araxxi: 725, 160, 113, 270, 302
Do you know anyone in the clan (if so who): iskylit, indigeau
Are you willing to cap (not mandatory): sometimes
Can you use TeamSpeak (not mandatory): yes
Do you meet the gear/ability/skill requirements: only missing tuskas wrath, but didn't play during event and cba to get it now.
Previous clans and why you left: devastation reapers, and still in it.
What are your favorite bosses: nex, rago
What are your favorite roles at any bosses: I'm a tank
Where did you hear about us: indigeau, iskylit
22-Jul-2016 23:12:18