Previous Names: I have been Dark Thor for a few years
Total Level: 2640 (2694)
Time zone: EST
KC in Vorago/Durzag/Yakamaru/RoTS/Araxxi: 4 Vorago and 1 Araxxi (Just came back didn't pvm much before)
Do you know anyone in the clan (if so who): Iron Angel
Are you willing to cap (not mandatory): I will when I can
Can you use TeamSpeak (not mandatory): Prefer to
Do you meet the gear/ability/skill requirements: I would need to make a few purchases but for the most part
Previous clans and why you left: Social Outkasts, it's a social clan looking for more pvm oriented and want to learn more
What are your favorite bosses: Not sure yet I liked Vorago but the fc I was using broke down
What are your favorite roles at any bosses: Only really know about dps
Where did you hear about us: Iron Angel mentioned he was in your guild
20-Jul-2016 07:28:26