Previous Names: Jen ny (prev. name is Sabres) This is buy's alt.
Total level: 2601
Total XP: 594,439,789
Do you know anyone in the clan (if so who): Speedy, Ryan.. pretty much I know half the clan or more.
Are you willing to cap (not mandatory): of course. meant that on previous ap* aswell
Do you have TeamSpeak (not mandatory): yes
Do you have any 120s/200m skills (if so, name them): 120 str
Are you willing to learn PvM (not mandatory): on my main sure
Previous clans and why you left: Rift, b/c of cancer.
What are your XP goals: Max on this acc, 120 slayer.
What is your favorite skill to train: Slayer ofc
18-May-2016 14:46:31
- Last edited on
18-May-2016 14:47:07
mini jenNy