Previous Names: Fish a Net
Total Level: 2350
Time zone: UTC +0
KC in Vorago/Durzag/Yakamaru/RoTS/Araxxi: 8 rago/29 bm/9 yaka/436 rots/94 rax
Do you know anyone in the clan (if so who): Nope
Are you willing to cap (not mandatory): Yes, maybe not every week though
Can you use TeamSpeak (not mandatory): Yes
Do you meet the gear/ability/skill requirements: Don't have tuskas wrath/dt brace
Previous clans and why you left: Zer0 Pvm, will be leaving it for this clan. Is a bit too big tbh.
What are your favorite bosses: ROTS/Raids/Rago
What are your favorite roles at any bosses: like pretty much everything at rots, but I can't walk. Pt at bm is okay i guess.
18-Jun-2016 02:25:59