Timezone :GMT+1000 (AUS Eastern Standard Time)
Membership (F2P or P2P) : P2P
Total Level : 2184
Combat Stats :132
Special Interests : I'm not sure if you mean real life or game haha but nope
RS Dislikes : scammers, peope who double lol and I spose the loss in fantasy over time
Please confirm that you have read and agree to follow the rules, clan chat protocol and guidelines :yup
Has the clan been recommended to you ?no
Are you interested in learning PvM or Dungeoneering ? yup the new stuff
Do you want help learning any other RS activities / skills (e.g. minigames, dungeoneering) ? maybe
Are you interested in teaching any aspects of the game ? I spose bosses and getting new gear
25-Aug-2015 10:24:19