Timezone : Mountain (az)
Membership: Recurring
Total Level : 2165
Combat Stats : 80 atk 80 str 89 def 90 hp 93 rng 85 mage 99 prayer 88 summon - 99 herb too for ovls.
What word represents our entry requirements?
Please confirm that you have read and agree to follow the rules, clan chat protocol and guidelines :
Has the clan been recommended to you ?
Special Interests :
slayer, skilling, mid level bossing such as godwars 1, corp, ect
RS Dislikes :
runecrafting, pvp , runecrafting agility and runecrafting. did i forget runecrafting?
Are you interested in learning PvM or Dungeoneering ?
Already decent at both, but could always do better i suppose
Do you want help learning any other RS activities / skills (e.g. minigames, dungeoneering) ?
Not really just looking for a place to chill n skill n kill
Are you interested in teaching any aspects of the game ?
Sure if nessicairy i don't mind
Like a gazelle~
30-May-2016 08:18:15