Membership (F2P or P2P) : (if F2P do you intend to get membership soon?) P2P
Total Level : 2186
Combat Stats : 122
What word represents our entry requirements? PRIME
Please confirm that you have read and agree to follow the rules, clan chat protocol and guidelines : Yes.
Has the clan been recommended to you ? Well, found the thread initially, but then talked with the owner, and guested in clan chat.
Special Interests : I play for fun and not for xp. But often have the game open in one window, other stuff in another**
** Dislikes : Grind... And I don't like to waste time that could add to fun on mindless grind.
Are you interested in learning PvM or Dungeoneering ? Learning PvM: I can learn a bit of new tricks. Dungeoneering on the other hand is an old story to me
Do you want help learning any other RS activities / skills (e.g. minigames, dungeoneering) ? Maybe
Are you interested in teaching any aspects of the game ? If they are interested in my apprach, why not?