-RS Username: Iron Shane
-Iron or Hardcore Account: Ironman
-Total Level: 520+ (fairly new ironman)
-Total Experience:1.46m
-Time Zone:CST
-What is your favorite thing to do on RS?: Depends on the time of month, mainly set goals and try to reach them. It may be to get a specific item, quest, skill, or other acheivement
-Do you have previous clan experience? If so, explain: I've been in a few clans before, mostly relaxed clans just doing bossing and some events.
-What are you looking for in a clan?: Looking for an ironman clan than can provide useful information about playing as an ironman as well as sharing what i have learned playing this gamemode
-Have you read over the clan rules?: yes, indeed.
-How did you find out about us?: Searched for ironman clans on the forums
-Anything you would like to add?: Osrs>Rs3
10-Jul-2016 00:37:12