-RS Username: Ezio Cormac
-Iron or Hardcore Account: Ironman
-Total Level: 977
-Total Experience: 4,081,947 as of posting.
-Time Zone: EST -5
-What is your favorite thing to do on RS?: Woodcutting, Slayer, Questing.
-Do you have previous clan experience? If so, explain: Yes. I've been a member of multiple clans, as well as a host of a Ironman channel.
-What are you looking for in a clan?: Fun, Assistance (first day as a member
-Have you read over the clan rules?: Yessir.
-How did you find out about us?: Forums.
-Anything you would like to add?: Ironman is Life. Ironman is Love. (;
Ironman is Love. Ironman is Life.