« Q » Do I have to role-play?
« A » Nope! The only role-play that you can't avoid in a POC are the names of the positions in the clan. POCs used to be much more role-play based but over time this has become less vital to the clans, and dwindled down to just the structuring of the clan.
« Q » If there's a war, what happens?
« A » Clan leaders will declare war and a date will be decided between them, usually giving a few weeks to prepare. You don't have to attend the war to stay in the clan but if your clan loses the war it will suffer for it. The defeated clan must hand over some of their land claims to the opposing clan.
« Q » How serious is it?
« A » Being in a POC is no more serious than any other clan. POC's may be more complex than other clans but they're also typically a close-knit community of loyal and helpful players. How seriously you take your responsibilities to the clan is entirely up to you, and will be reflected in your rank. Climbing the ranks to become a leader is considered more difficult than in other clans.
Please fill this out if you are interested in joining the Kingdom. An Organiser+ rank will review it as soon as possible and invite you in-game should you be accepted. Forum applications are only required if there is not an Organiser or higher rank online at the time of your inquiry.
Otherwise, simply join the Clan Chat and get the attention of an Admin or Higher Rank.
Citizenship Application
Gender (If you prefer to state it):
Total Level:
Combat Level:
How did you find The Arcane Kingdom?:
Will you be active and try to contribute to the Citadel at least twice a month?:
Previous POC experience (optional):
Anything else you would like us to know (optional):
General clan meetings take place biweekly and all citizens of the Kingdom are encouraged to attend. They will include announcements and kingdom-wide discussions. Any citizen will be able to raise a topic they wish to discuss with the clan.
The next general meeting will take place on:
Government meetings take place every week; the monarchy and government meet to discuss important matters and decisions. These meetings will be held whenever possible for all government members to attend.
Important notes from meetings will always be listed here. If you missed a meeting but would like to discuss something on the notes below then get in touch with a member of the government.
Previous Meeting Notes:
Saturday May 21,2016
Plans placed on the tables
+Discussion 1 - Clan Citadel
+Discussion 2 - communication
+Discussion 3 - Events
No requirements for being in the clan (although you are less likely to get ranked if you are inactive). Capping in the citadel and attending events isn't mandatory but is strongly recommended.
Coordinator+ have the power to mute/temporary kick after a warning has been given. Removal from the clan must be agreed upon by the royals.
If you feel you have been unfairly banned you may call for a jury. The Jury will consist of members ranked Admin+ in addition to the Royals. You will have the opportunity to argue your case and although the Royal family has the power to override the jury's decision this will rarely ever happen.