• Username: Zooa
• Combat Level: 137
• Weapons:Mostly T85
• Armour: T90 and t80
• Herblore Level: 85
• Summoning Level: 96
• Prayer Level: 93
• Combat Auras: Sharpshooter and zerk
• PvM Experience: I've done araaxor and all the GWD2 bosses so far.
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): Y
• Would you use discord? (Y/N): Y
( https://discord.gg/YjF3ZMV )
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: I want to learn Telos, but I'm mostly just wanting to do group bossing and learn more about PVM
•Favourite Bosses?: I like araxi
•Best 5min gem? (only for pvmers)
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?: I'm probably not in a place to be a teachers
•Are you willing to help rebuild the clan/ being a member of the new staff team? I'd be open to it.
•Do you have any questions for us?: I played a lot of OSRS so I'm trying to adapt and learn more. So hopefully I can do that with the help of a clan and I'm looking forward to getting to enjoy playing together!!
21-May-2020 22:23:20