Application Form:
• Username: OfLumbrdge
• Combat Level: 109
• Weapons: Virtus
• Armour: Poly (but can afford better if required)
• Herblore Level: 55:/
• Summoning Level: 62
• Prayer Level: 61
• Combat Auras: haven't played in ages
• PvM Experience: I used to boss. I have come back online to play barrows rots and similar new bosses
• Prifddinas Access Y
• Would you use discord? Y is required
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: Barrows ROTS, advice on gear and any boss suggestions
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?:
I haven't played in a while but yes once I get back into it
•Do you have any questions for us?:
Not atm
Look forward to hearing back!
21-Mar-2018 02:22:20