Application Form:
• Username: king howell7
• Combat Level: 136
• Weapons: drygores, chaotic staff, royal cbow
• Armour: gwd1, almost have superior range ports armour
• Herblore Level: 99
• Summoning Level: 99
• Prayer Level: 97
• Combat Auras: penance, vamp, have 180k loyalty points
• PvM Experience: gwd1 and dks
• Prifddinas Access (Y/N): yes
• Would you use discord? (Y/N): yes
•Do you want to learn certain bosses? if so, which ones?: raids, arraxor, nex, open to learn everything
•Are you willing to teach certain bosses? if so, which ones?: do not have much experience but would be willing when that time comes.
•Do you have any questions for us?: I work a crazy schedule, working 84 hours a week at times.(rarely) I probably average 54-60 hours a week. my play time is not as high as I would like, its something I felt I should mention while applying.
05-Mar-2018 03:11:26