RSN: Verjans
Combat Level: 136
Total level: 2195 (2210)
Prayer/Summoning/Herblore level: 95 - 87 - 99
Timezone: EST
Are you a Member: Yes
Do you have a Discord Account and would you be willing to use it when PvMing: Yes
Your current bossing experience: Able to do most bosses solo, Elite dungeons in a duo, have not tried: Raksha, Telos, Croesus, Zuk, or any large group bosses
Preferred Style of Gameplay (Skiller, PvMer, PvPer , Social or Mixed player): Mixed player - No PvP
Bosses you are most keen on doing: I've completed the Twin Furies log, and have been running lots of ED 2 and 3
Would you be willing to learn/teach bosses: Yes
What you would like to gain from being in Deeps 4 Geeps: Sense of community, as I dont really have anybody to play with most of the time
Tell us something else about you: I have a pet lizard - He's 7 years old
Have you read the rules and do you accept them: Yes
03-Jul-2022 19:12:07