RSN: Gamebugio
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2736
Are you more of a skiller or a PVM-er? pvmer
Have you read our rules and clan information? Yes
Are you interested in getting added to clan Discord server? Yes
How did you hear about us ? Forums
RSN: Helwyr (My alt)
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2705
Are you more of a skiller or a PVM-er? pvmer
Have you read our rules and clan information? also yes
Are you interested in getting added to clan Discord server? Yes/N/A
How did you hear about us ? Forums
RSN: Nachoqueen (My partner)
Combat Level: 138
Total level: 2718
Are you more of a skiller or a PVM-er? pvmer
Have you read our rules and clan information? She will before joining
Are you interested in getting added to clan Discord server? Yes
How did you hear about us ? From me
If space is limited my alt can stick as a guest though I would prefer to join full on both, however getting nacho into the clan would be a higher priority than my alt
Check out my clan,
Breaking the Cycle
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