Current RuneScape goal:
To play with people and kill high level monsters for some half decent loot and have a good fun time playing runescape!
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you?
I’m a very easy going person, I’m nice and this seems like a clan who’ll treat me as they wanna be treated. Plus who doesn’t love fighting monsters?
Currently, would you like to teach or learn?
I would be more then happy to teach what I know personally however I’m just getting back into the game since I stopped playing in 2013, however I’m playing a lot now and defiantly need to learn some new tricks.
What are you looking to teach/learn?
I’m looking to learn how to kill some new bosses or things I’ve never fought before.
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules? 100% agreed
19-Mar-2019 23:13:48