Main goal: Getting to 96 herblore for overloads. Long overdue but the grind is just... ugh.
Side Goals: 99 prayer(95 right now and need a lot of dragon bones so might take a while). Finish the quests. Only about 15 or so left to do. Getting to 85 dung for frost dragons.
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you?: I played RS a long time ago and stopped playing about the time of when the Battle Of Lumbridge started. I came back a month and a half ago and there is still sooo much new stuff that I don't know where to start.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn?: Learn.
What are you looking to teach/learn?: There is so much but I would say primarily group content like raids or elite dungeons or t3 bosses though im sort of in between t2 and t3.
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules?: I do and I will follow them.
You can either guest in our clan chat and say you've been accepted on the forums or pm me directly. Be sure to prefix your message with '///' in order to talk in a guest clan chat or '/g' to switch to the guest clan chat tab in your chat box. You can also post in our [link url=
Discord Server
, then we can organise an invite asap.
How do I get a better rank?
As soon as you join, you will be assigned the Recruit rank. As you do more PvM and upgrade your gear, you'll be able to rank up. Have a look [link url=
Current RuneScape goal: Get divination so I can start augmenting my tier 90 weapons and learn how to start PvMing
Why do you think Eternal Division is the clan for you? I want to join a positive environment where I can learn how to PvM and then pass my knowledge on to others.
Currently, would you like to teach or learn? I really do not know many bosses right now except for Kree. I would like to learn tier 2-3 bosses to start making more money for my account.
What are you looking to teach/learn? The same as above I can teach Kree, but I have a lot more bosses to learn to become a great PvMer
Have you understood and do you agree to follow our rules? Yes I understand and agree.
You can either guest in our clan chat and say you've been accepted on the forums or pm me directly. Be sure to prefix your message with '///' in order to talk in a guest clan chat or '/g' to switch to the guest clan chat tab in your chat box. You can also post in our [link url=
Discord Server
, then we can organise an invite asap.
How do I get a better rank?
As soon as you join, you will be assigned the Recruit rank. As you do more PvM and upgrade your gear, you'll be able to rank up. Have a look [link url=