RSN: Greenbay
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2720
What armour/weapons do you own? T90 weps all styles t80 armour for all styles t90 armour for range. t99 range prayer also have greater rico
Do you have discord? Yes
How did you find out about our clan? Forums
RSN: Pet Nex
Combat level: 138
Total level:2609 including virtual levels
What armour/weapons do you own? Eldritch Crossbow + Seren God Bow in Essence of Finallity. + Elite Sirenic. can buy t92 mage/melee whenever... I have grico and all the greater abilities including the new one from kerapac
Do you have discord? can get
How did you find out about our clan? forums
RSN: ItsSammy
Combat level:138
Total level:2843
What armour/weapons do you own?T90
Do you have discord? Yes
How did you find out about our clan? Forums