Combat level:138
Total level: 2828 (2715)
Which rank you apply for: Captain/General
Which T90 weapons and armour do you own?
I own all T90s (although i dont always have possession of them, I let my friend irl borrow them, but I do have t90s for mage melee and range at all times).
I have maleovlent, but my sirenic and tectonic just broke not long ago, need to buy another set. I have superior death lotus and tetsu and part of seasinger (need to do more ports).
Anything I do not have, I have the ability to buy.
Things I have done:
Back up tank at Beastmaster Durzag
A sub 5 mins Araxxor kill
Base tank Beastmaster Durzag
300% enrage Araxxor solo
Willing to learn:
Things I am willing to do:
Capping at citadels
Staying active
Being Friendly
RSN: Car Racer3
Combat level:138
Total level:2271
Which rank you apply for:sergeant
Which T90 weapons and armor do you own? i own all of the t90s tank and power armor as well as as all t90 weapons. all i love to PVM and mostly log on for that reason only!
i cap all the time if that makes a difference too!
RSN: Fussa
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2450
Which rank you apply for: Lieutenant
Which T90 weapons and armour do you own?
Ascs, Nox staff, drygores, all t90 armours
Which rank you apply for: have reqs for general but idc :L
Which T90 weapons and armour do you own?:
Auged malev/sirenic, raids gear for all styles (6/15 wotisachto??)
(all augmented )Scythe, drygore rapier+t90 shield for basing raids and stuff, ascbs which I never use except for occasional raid feats basing.
Furthermore, I am of the opinion that carthage should be destroyed