¤ Runescape name: Edd Wilson
* Preferred name (Optional): N/A
¤ Combat level: 138
¤ Total level: 2467
~ PvM levels
¤ Attack: 99
¤ Strength: 99
¤ Defence: 99
¤ Constitution: 99
¤ Magic: 99
¤ Prayer: 99
¤ Herblore: 96
¤ Summoning: 99
¤ Curses (Yes/No): Yes
* Weapons
¤ List T80+ weapons here: All chaotics
¤ List T90+ weapons here: Drygore maces
~ Additional
¤ Favorite boss: Corp
¤ Favorite skill: Slayer
¤ Are you currently on cooldown/probation from joining a new clan? I believe so (Just left a clan?!?)
¤ How did you find our clan? Vex in w84 Grand Exchange
¤ Will you use our citadel? Yes
¤ Will you use our homeworld? w84 for life
¤ Additional information or comments: Just got back into playing after a year -trying to find my feet with the game once again
29-Dec-2016 17:46:18