Runescape name: EGJ
Preferred name (Optional):Eddy
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2731
Will you join the Clan Discord: Done
PvM levels
Herblore: 99
Summoning: 99
Tier 99 Prayers (Yes/No): 1/3 (Mage)
List T90 weapons here: Nox set, Drygore longs, Seis set
List T92 weapons here: SoS
Statius's Warhammer (Yes/No): No
PvM skill
What roles can you do at the listed bosses;
Vorago: A bit rusty but all (would have to yak bt/base)
Beastmaster Durzag: dps, pt
Yakamaru:stundps (rusty)
Nex: Angel of Death:dps. pt
Favorite boss: vorago/telos
Favorite skill: mage/slayer
05-Jun-2018 17:57:26