Runescape name: its tw1st3d
Preferred name (Optional): chris/tw1st3d
Combat level: 138
Total level: 2724
Will you join the Clan Discord: yes
PvM levels
Herblore: 99
Summoning: 99
Tier 99 Prayers (Yes/No): yes all
List T90 weapons here: nox staff, nox sycth, anc bows, drygors t90 defender
List T92 weapons here: zgs
Statius's Warhammer (Yes/No): yes 3 ifarm them on my near maxed alt for clan/pvm gruops)
PvM skill
What roles can you do at the listed bosses;
Vorago: dps
Beastmaster Durzag:nc/pt2 learning base/bu
Yakamaru:cpr, stun 5, stun 0, debuff
Nex: Angel of Death: base solo/duo, mt (main role hammer)
Favorite boss: aod
Favorite skill: slayer/thiv
Comments (if any): im looking to become apart of a family where i can learn new things, maybe teach things, looking for people to mix with on pvm, skill, mini game's i have alot of irl time to play so looking for a clan thats active i know a few of the members already in here
20-Apr-2018 21:23:41