Have you read and accept our cc rules (post 4 above): yes
Favourite RS Activity: pvm
RS Goals: max combat, bossing
What made you choose Faith in Honour: Returning player, started RS way back, played off and on and dont have too much time, looking for a friendly clan without capping requirements.
Did you know that
the Triceps Brachii muscle is Latin for 'Three headed' however an exception to this rule is the Dog in which it has four heads but is still named Triceps Brachii due to its function and position/location.
The 3 muscles collectively known as the "hamstrings" are the Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosis, and Semimembranosis. They act as a Flexor muscle as during contraction the angle around the joint decreases
And yes, I did know that it is probably due to an empathy effect.