RSN: MinaMyoi
Non-virtual Total Level: 2899
Favorite RS Activities: bossing, pvm comps
Current RS Goals: insane final boss, reaper
Q: Please name one of our Clan Rules and explain why it should be followed.
A: Do not lure, scam or phish not only Clan Members, but RuneScape players in general. If proven we reserve the right to immediately remove and ban you from the Clan. losing $ that was promised to u or that u earned deservedly, leaves a bad taste and trust issues
Q: Will you treat everyone with respect and follow Clan Rules?
A: yes
Q: Do you understand that if you don't follow our Clan Rules in addition to Jagex's rules, or become inactive, you may be removed from the Clan?
A: yes
Q: Would you like to be invited to our Clan Discord? Optional: You can also leave your Discord username so we may reach out to you faster.
A: yes. minamyoi
Q: After your application, are you able to guest in our CC and/or set your private status to 'On' so we can easily contact you for an invite?
A: yes
Q: Is there anything you would like us to know?
A: no
EOC and discontinued rares ruined the game, and multilogging geeks are making sure it stays dead
12-Aug-2023 06:22:29