RSN: r2d2dog1
Total Level: 2790
Favorite RS Activities: Minigames, esp pre-2010 lol; completing incredibly long, painful achievements
Current RS Goals: master trimmed completionist cape (yes bold goal, but I am committed at this point)
Q: Name one of our Clan Rules and explain why it should be followed.
A: Be respectful of other clan members, as this should be a basic rule in life. Don't discuss divisive issues in chat, as we probably all play Runescape to escape this increasingly divisive world.
Q: Will you treat everyone with respect and follow Clan Rules?
A: Yes
Q: Do you understand that if you do not follow our Clan Rules in addition to Jagex's rules, or become inactive, you will be removed from the Clan?
A: Yes
Q: Would you like to be invited to our Clan Discord?
A: Yes
Q: After your application, are you able to guest in our CC and/or set your private status to 'On' so we can easily contact you for an invite?
A: Yes
Q: Is there anything you would like us to know?
A: Definitely an active RS player, and want to be a more active clan member!
15-Feb-2023 04:56:24