Display Name: TheFoodEat3r
Time zone: EST (UTC -5)
Combat Level: 135
Prayer level: 95
Summoning level: 82
What tier armour have you got? melee: 90, ranged and mage: 70
What tier weapons have you got? melee and ranged: 85, mage: 80
Will you follow all of our rules? Yes
Are you interested in Admin+ opportunities? Maybe in the future
Favourite thing to do in RS: Kill bosses
Any current RS goals: Get max combat and eventually max
Are there any bosses you like to fight? Helwyr, Vindicta, Duo Nex
Are there any bosses you would like to learn? Raids, AoD, Vorago
Tell us a bit about yourself if you want: I'm from Canada, I speak both english and french fluently and I'm 17 years old.
20-Jul-2017 21:39:47