Display Name: rs hates me
Time zone: est (gmt-5)
Combat Level: 138
Prayer level: 99
Summoning level:99
What tier armour do you have? all t90
What tier weapons do you have? all t92
Will you follow all of our rules? yah
Are you interested in Admin+ opportunities? i guess, im really just looking for people to group boss with and friends to do stuff with
Favourite thing to do in RS: telos/pvm
Any current RS goals: warden on my alt, 200m slay
Are there any bosses you like to fight? everything except kk
Are there any bosses you would like to learn? i know pretty much all of them, a few id like to get better at are like aod, rago duos and hardmode rago
Tell us a bit about yourself if you want: ive been playing rs for a while, i love to pvm, im 23 and ya thats about it, im down to teach/help people learn bosses or how to do them better, im not an elitist pvm'r, i love meme group pvm
05-Aug-2017 23:32:04