Display Name: Accio HSR
Time zone: Eastern US (EDT)
Combat Level: 138
Prayer level: 96
Summoning level: 99
What tier armour have you got? (all augmented)Pernix, Bandos, and Subjugation. Working on getting gold to upgrade the bandos and sub.
What tier weapons have you got? (all augmented) Dual ascensions, nox staff, drygore maces
Will you follow all of our rules? sure!
Are you interested in Admin+ opportunities? not really, just here to pvm and chill with friends!
Favourite thing to do in RS: Slayer
Any current RS goals: max cape
Are there any bosses you like to fight? GWD2, Raxx
Are there any bosses you would like to learn?Nex, AOD, Rago, raids
Tell us a bit about yourself if you want: I'm really interested in learning higher end PVM!
24-Jul-2017 05:58:57