Display Name: CheesyBread
Combat Level: 136
Total Level: 2037
Time zone: mountain time
Will you follow all of our rules? Yes
Are you interested in Admin+ opportunities? Potentially yes
Favourite thing to do in RS: boss, stake lol
Will you cap at the citadel (not mandatory): i can if needed
Any current RS goals: max rest of combat stats currently jsut need attack str , and to just get lots of bossing experience!
Are there any bosses you like to fight? Yes!! Angel of Death, vorago, regular nex honestly lol.
Are there any bosses you would like to learn? AOD rago and regular nex
Tell us a bit about yourself if you want: I used to play a ton of rs and have recently got back into it! When i left I had brief experience in raids yakamura and reg nex but really wanna look to learn more ! as far as me goes i just graduated highschool and am going to Australia/Asia for 6 months in the fall!
Cheers !
17-Jul-2017 05:07:08