Name: L O L
Total level: 2433
Combat Level: 138
Herblore Level:99
Prayer Level:99
Agility Level:77
Favorite Boss: GWD 2
Favorite Skill: Slayer
Favorite Minigame: Shattered Worlds
Have you read and do you understand all of our clan rules? Yes
Will you Help Clan-members Earn back items in the event of Losses? Yes
Will You Bless Clan-members Graves when Possible? Yes
Will you treat all members of the clan with respect? Yes
Will you help out at the citadel if asked? Yes
What is your timezone? EST
What are your goals in game? Maxed and learn every boss efficiently
Have you been in a clan before? Yes
If so, what was the clan’s name? (Within the past 7 days?) been longer than 7 days
Why did you leave, or get kicked from your previous clan? Just stopped playing
Did anybody refer you to our clan? If so, what is their name? No
Would you like to join us chilling together on Discord? (Optional) Yes
How many of each Yellow, Orange and Red dots are there in the clan Rules? ••• 3 3 5
10-May-2017 19:30:43