1. Please tell us why you wish to join PvMMax?
after guesting i think you will be able to help me get better at pvm and hopefully my knowledge will help others.
2. What things do you prefer to do in Runescape?
i need less than 500m xp for 5.6b so that takes up a lot of time but i also like to kill nex etc.
3. What is your current Total & Combat Level?
4. Do you intend to remain active throughout your time in PvMMax?
5. Please tell us a little bit about yourself?
i am syd/hulk i been playing for a lot of year i am classified as old, i have alovely family wife and son i never stopped playing in over 13 years i may take a break for a few days but that is it.
6. Do you use Discord?
7. Please add anything more you would like to tell us on your application
currently i am laid up with serious illness/possible cancer and i am on silly medications so i may be quiet at times as me and the family have a lot of things to process right now hence why i am using rs3 as an escape and if i can bash some monster to get rid of some aggression hey all the better.
i apologise if this is to honest but that's me
12-Dec-2021 22:09:56