Runescape Name: Xaw***n
Current Levels
Total: 2700
Combat: 138
Strength: 99
Attack: 99
Defense: 99
Range: 99
Magic: 99
Prayer: 99
Herb: 99
Summoning: 99
Do you own a Frozen Key? Yes
Will you help anti crash if needed? Yes
Do you plan to use our Citadel? I don't go to Citadel often but if needed for capping I'll go.
Will you bump this thread regularly? I'll try (I don't log into forums often)
Melee Armour: Torva, Sup Tetsu, Sup Void
» Weapons: Drygore Maces, Kalphite Defender, Noxious Scythe
Ranged Armour: Pernix, Sup Death Lotus, Sup Void
» Weapons: Dual Ascensions, Kalphite Repriser
Magic Armour: Virtus, Sup Seasinger, Sup Void
» Weapons: Noxious Staff
Favorite Bosses: QBD, Nex, Araxxor
All Previous Clans (if any): Malicious Intent
» Reason(s) for leaving: I was part of the clan for around 4 years but as it is mainly a skilling clan I felt out of place as a PvMer.
Additional Info. (optional): I'm looking for a friendly PvM clan that isn't filled with elitism.
The gods are nothing but spoiled children; whining for attention, fighting over toys, breaking things when they don't get their way.