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Quick find code: 90-91-905-62131575

Dec Member 2016


Posts: 2,106 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have paid extra attention to the reasons people have not been going to events and I think I may know why. It is because everyone only wants to do what they want to do and when they want to do it. Now to explain this in a much less confusing way..People just have something they want to do and do not want to do what others want to do. I saw someone asking if anyone wanted to dung with him, and he started flaming because the clan "wasen't acting like a clan." Idk what his goal was, but he wanted to dung to reach some goal (im guessing). So he wanted OTHERS to go out of their way to do what HE wanted to do. And that is the problem right there. Everyone has different goals and things they want to do and noone wants to go out of their way to do something else.

I have a few ideas that may help. First, the people (like the guy doing dung) should try to maybe go out of their way and do what others want. Instead of trying to get people to go dung because that is what he is doing, ask what others are doing and go join them with whatever it is they are doing.

Another idea is a pretty simple one....lets start to actually use our home worlds. I think we should have a clan vote on what worlds to use for home worlds, and then if someone is online (unless they need to be at a different world for a world specific minigame or skill) they should be on the home world. Training slayer or woodcutting etc will be just the same at any different world. Using the same world will give us unity, even if it means we only see each other when we pass on the way to the GE.

The last idea is to have an event specific day. Say we choose the day to be Thursday. The entire clan gets in their head that on thursday they should not PLAN on doing whatever their goals are, but they should PLAN on going to whatever events may be offered that day, even if it is training or doing something not specific to their personal goals.

Anyways, those are my ideas if anyone has other ideas please post

06-Mar-2011 21:12:29

Spyro 2020
Sep Member 2023

Spyro 2020

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yea i get what you are saying just goot frustrated when people complain on no events and when is offered they don't want to go. but yea i like that.

i don't like having to be on a home world as mine is 114 so i don't have as many low levels asking for stuff.

i think from friday- sunday are good days as most people will often be online

06-Mar-2011 22:26:30



Posts: 2,776 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
An event specific day sounds a good plan and had a discussion in cc yesterday and a good idea was to change imm_rtb name in cc to the event and time when we have a specific event coming up.Should help to remind people if it is there in black and white.
Another idea was not to make events mandatory but to make people aware that gaining higher ranks is more dependant on attending events than before.People say they want events but we are finding it hard to get attendance for them.The idea of saying then and there you want to host an event doesnt seem to work too well so abit more planning in advance would be better.That doesnt mean people cant try to host an event anytime of course.Event day isnt a bad idea DK and think we should try next week after XP weekend.Say Saturday 19th being an event day and we all gear up for a clan day as it were?
As for home worlds.....There are three clan homeworlds which are 111 for Australia,115 for Europe and 116 for America/canada.115 doesnt appear to have many low level players asking for money and believe other two are the same.I agree we either need to use all three of those depending on where we all live or else we need to pick one of the three as a default homeworld.So if you are doing non specific things which do not require a specific world then you are in the default clan world.This way we can see each other when around RS and easier to arrange to meet up.I am happy to leave it to the three worlds right now and clan officers need to get people to log into one of the three worlds if not doing dung etc.If you all would prefer just one homeworld then we will vote for one!
Finally,sme people in clan are worried about who is in charge of clan.B boy rock is on less right now but both myself and Vexx are leaders and at present we three are only ones who can rank etc.However, we have great generals and captains and they are there to help and lead when online.We need to pull together more and clan event day and homeworlds a good star

07-Mar-2011 10:22:53

Miss Isabell
May Member 2023

Miss Isabell

Posts: 1,019 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
a while back i offered at least 1 event per day.. then i had the whole bandos/killer wha1e thing... and i just gave up on hosting events because they never worked for me, and nobody ever went and they started fights because i made comments about how unactive this clan was being and how everybody always has a reason not to go... ect.. after i get 99 cooking, if im not busy i will go to as many events as i can to do my part. also gonna try to start bumping more again.. ever since i've been getting in fights lately, i've just foundl less desire to bump :/ but now im on a No flaming/fighting/trolling/making people mad/starting fights/not starting fights but getting blamed for starting them/headache/cussing/arguing/spamming/disagreeing/ thing... where i do none of those anymore (not saying i did before) *glares*


08-Mar-2011 11:02:19 - Last edited on 08-Mar-2011 11:22:42 by Miss Isabell

Dec Member 2016


Posts: 2,106 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
you said people always have an excuse and yet you are saying "after I get 99 cooking..." I am not saying thats not okay, I am just saying that right there is the problem. every person in the clan has some goal that they will attend events "after this..." and then the next thing they know its another goal and the cycle repeats

09-Mar-2011 15:48:54



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so vexxisnoob wanted to fight, i told him meet clan wars world 116, this noob came up to us said he just died for mage's book and is quitting rs, he said to come kill him in red portal, i knew it was a lure so i banked everything and grabbed a whip and ran into red portal, put protect item on, saw a lvl 88 waiting for me in mage gear, was expecting to die so i just stood there he didnt attack me so i attacked him, it turns out that he was stupid enough to go afk while trying to lure people, i pked him for 7.2m rofl! :D :D

10-Mar-2011 07:30:07

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