
+=+ Vanyar 4th Age Events +=+

Quick find code: 90-91-88-57138370

Alch Primal
Jan Member 2007

Alch Primal

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Vanyar Lenwe,

The younger of my two sons had a message from a J-Mod this week, and he (and I, since he is 10..) could well be off to properly tour the home of Jagex. I have no idea when - certainly in a few months I guess, but we are hopefully really going.

Maybe getting activities going is ordained, just to get him training more and doing a few quests - his account gets lifetime membership, too. How's that for a (late) 10th birthday?

Moral of this story - "Read Your Messages From Jagex!".

I kid you not. We had to reply in time, as he did, or miss out - so he is lucky we at least had dial-up this week. (Can not believe how long broadband is taking - might be another week?)

10-Jul-2010 08:29:37

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