Bump... with love!
I wish for everyone to live long lives of happiness! You are special in my memories. All things are temporary - the good, and the bad, equally. It’s funny how nostalgia hits me out of nowhere, and everything floods back into view. Cabbage Day, bunny hops, stealing seats/musical chairs at house meetings, dropping all you buggers through my trapdoor, frantically messaging everyone in pm one by one before clan chats and spending meetings before houses in random places in the world (such as south of the blurite cave), recruitment marches from varrok to camelot that turned into long conga lines, meeting random dudes and getting them to join after confirming they were cool and not full of themselves, building our clan’s culture that I’m still amazed has created life long friends, the support at my mage party, rag tag pk trips that we somehow always came out on top, all our pk pros like kleinman and blk ranger, being bunnies together in the castlewars waiting room, blarg, aggers, bat’s obsession with navy outfits, doku peeing on things, chizl o.O, weep nuke and rex being the mature ones, kmmcm being the best whistleblower ever, the traitors that gave us good drama like crk kid and dr turtles, colombo rhyming doritos with mosquitos, timmy’s inappropriate jokes. Joining each other on whichever crazy thing we felt like doing at the time. We were never too busy, someone could always help or keep company. We were so wise to keep a clan history and memoirs. There are also some memories on my old youtube channels Furious Fox4 and apocaly47. I wish we took even more videos and records, but hypercam2 and windows movie maker, right? Hahaha. Colombomafia and Underbridge1 also have channels good for the sentimental and nostalgic heart. This long paragraph is not long enough.
I’m proud of what we did when we were young. We were a close knit group of kids. I have always had a big heart.. Some things are temporary but these memories will last forever!
02-Feb-2021 08:36:51