… Hi o.O
Chizl here, long time no see/talk! I typically stalk the Apocalyptic Legion thread a couple times a year, but over the last 2 I’ve fallen off the bandwagon. After just looking through this thread for the first time since then, it seems I’ve come after the end. It’s sad, but to be honest I’m surprised I was able to see so much activity for such an extended period of time. I’m glad the leaders who came after me were able to keep this clan alive for as long as they did.
The thing that really struck me while stalking the thread this time around was how I wasn’t alone. My friends from Apoc’s “glory days” like Weeple, Fox, Boomer, Rex, Shlom, Cody, Ray, and Nuke have all made posts in the last two years. Unsubscribed members can’t even post right now - hence Weeple helping me out, thanks bud - so I’m sure there are other old timers who are looking from afar. They must have been doing the same thing as me: reminiscing because the clan was such an enjoyable part of my childhood.
It’s a shame we can’t go back to that, I know I’ve wished it every now and then. But wishful thinking isn’t why I’m asking Weeple to post this. The reason is to reach out to any of you who still do what I do and look back on this thread with great nostalgia. I’d like to catch up through Facebook or e-mail, even if it’s only a one time deal. Weeple, Kmm, Sbugir, Boomer, and a couple others have managed to find me over the years, which I’m grateful for. But there are still more of you.
Please, if you see this tomorrow or two years from now, get in contact with me. [Weep here, if I included all of the info Chiz provided in this post this post would almost certainly be deleted. We have an old off-site forum on proboards (which you can google) where we'll be checking in periodically. If there is a way to pm on the forums, you can talk to me or i chizl i, or we could even coordinate an in-game meet up on here.]
07-Mar-2014 03:30:43