I wont be-able to do june the 12th either sadly
got tons of exams over next 3 weeks... after it ill do tons with tfk, but atm i kind of stuck at afk skills whilst revising sadly
Greetings from the Republic of Falador.
…….:::;; ¸•*°°*•›¸..::..¸‹•*°'ˆ˜.,¸¸¸„‹•*°'ˆ Terwege ˆ'°*•›„¸¸¸,.˜ˆ°*•›¸..::..¸‹•*°'°*•¸ ;;:::…….
¸‹•*°ˆ..¸‹•*°º^¤»„¸¸¸,‹°...:::::::... 'President oƒ the RoF' ...:::::::...°›,¸¸¸„«¤^º°*•›¸..ˆ°*•›¸
°•»«•°..::.°•...:::::::...°›„¸¸¸„‹•*°*•, Esse Quam Videri ,•*°*•›„¸¸¸„‹°...:::::::...•°.::..°•»«•°
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